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  • Nadchodzące...

    Cultured t@lks

    WHEN: 04-06-2022

    START: 11:30

    WHERE: K I P I S Z

    WHO FOR: those who want to practice their English

    How far is “far”?
    Do you have to be close to be .. close?
    Relationships, friendships, family ties. Intercultural, multi-generational, transcontinental. We invite you to talk about what distance is and how it affects interpersonal relationships.


    This is not a typical English lesson!

    Cultured t@lks is a series of meetings for people who want to have conversations in English in an unusual way.
    We create an open space for the exchange of ideas, thoughts and experiences among people who are favorable to each other. In the spirit of acceptance and respect for the diversity of views and traditions, we will discuss cultural and social issues. There will also be elements related to the specificity of our city – Łódź. The project aims at an interdisciplinary approach to integration in the spirit of open discussion.

    We invite everyone who wants to practice their English, and in particular:
    – foreigners studying in Łódź;
    – Polish students;
    – English speaking people.

    You will be able to improve your communication skills and soft skills.
    There will be 6 meetings, starting from June to October 2022. You can participate in conversations continuously, at one time, or you can join during the cycle.

    SIGN UP:
    One meeting may be attended by 15 people.

    The task was co-financed from the budget of the City of Łódź as part of the “”Łódź akademicka – naukowa, kreatywna i wielokulturowa 2022-2023” competition.

    In the past...

    Strona rozbudowana w ramach projektu „Łódzki Ośrodek Wsparcia Ekonomii Społecznej”

    Logotypy: Fundusze Europejskie – Program Regionalny, Rzeczpospolita Polska, Województwo Łódzkie, Unia Europejska – Europejski Fundusz Społeczny