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    Zmyśl/Zmysł #8 – TASTE II: Radio Kapitał

    WHEN: 01-10-2021

    WHEN: 14:00

    WHERE: Internet

    WHO FOR: Everyone

    This time the taste has an aesthetic dimension for us – we are talking with Adam Drozdowski and Ewa Rypińska about the faces of Łódź fashion.

    You can listen to the broadcast at this link: https://radiokapital.pl/shows/zmysl-zmysl/8-smak-ii


    Ideas flow from us and provoke action. Understanding comes from experiencing, and this idea guides us in our actions and will accompany us during the program. We are not able to show you everything, and you can hear and imagine it, but we will try to slip through the swirling of Łódź and human images. We will refer to our own observations, talk and sharpen our senses with colorful guests and guests.

    In the past...

    Strona rozbudowana w ramach projektu „Łódzki Ośrodek Wsparcia Ekonomii Społecznej”

    Logotypy: Fundusze Europejskie – Program Regionalny, Rzeczpospolita Polska, Województwo Łódzkie, Unia Europejska – Europejski Fundusz Społeczny